Embark on a magical journey alongside two captivating dragons, one of whom is the male black dragon, known for his sleek black scales and enchanting green eyes, and his equally mesmerizing companion, a striking female white dragon. Together, they epitomize the beauty of unity in the dragon world, sharing a bond that transcends the limits of the skies they gracefully soar through. With wings that cut through the air like shadows and scales that shimmer in the moonlight, this duo stands as a testament to the power of friendship, love, and the untamed allure of the dragon realm. Join them on their epic adventures and witness the extraordinary connection that defines the essence of these mythical creatures.
Due to the handmade nature of this item, it should be treated with care, and the one you receive may have slight variations from the one pictured.
Choking hazard: these are very small and not recommended for younger children. I am not responsible for anything that happens after it leaves my possession.
The handmade sticker is the size of a US quarter for size reference.
For wholesale prices, please send an email.
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